Monday, June 8, 2009

Constant reminders...

Today was a really interesting day for me. I don't know what it is that has set this apart from all the others but it has been a day that meant a lot to me. We started the morning off meeting with John and Chad. We started off our meeting by going to Spała and getting cappuccino from a girl who really did not want to be working. She seemed very unhappy. Anyways we started off by reading Luke 7: 36-50. This verse is very interesting when looking at it in the context of what is going on now. Here are a few highlights that we touched on that were very interesting.

  • This woman was probably a prostitute, and by dumping her alabaster flask of ointment on Jesus' feet was giving up the very thing that she used in her profession.
  • She wept so much that it made Jesus' feet wet. Those are not fake tears, they are true tears and a lot of them.
  • Jesus' feet were probably not the cleanest and best smelling and yet this woman was kneeling at His feet. This is a huge act of submission and humility.
  • Simon was quick to judge this woman, and Jesus then showed him that we was judging, but is not always right in his judgment.
  • It was the woman's faith alone that saved her.
But the part that really got me was the following:

Therefore I tell you, her sins, which are many, are forgiven-for she loved much. But he who is forgiven little, loves little.

I look at this verse and realize how much in my life I have been forgiven, and yet I don't love as much as I should.

We then discussed about missions. And for the past week I have been trying to figure out where God wants me, and if it is in Poland. I know that this is not for me to decide, but each day I am constantly seeing God moving some way. Right now what holds me back is the language and being comfortable. Right now I am comfortable where I am, but that is because I know that it is only 3 months. But if it were longer, would I be comfortable? I often wonder if I am trying to fight God in this.

Anyways...after cleaning the stairs and eating lunch we then proceeded to unload about 15 tons of food into the storage rooms. Most of this food will be used for different ministries that Proem works with. Some of these ministries work with homeless and low income families. It made me appreciate Proem even more.

I am about to go climbing, finish laundry and then watch the Truth Project. After that, maybe some language study. Tomorrow we are going to play sports with some kids that are coming in and then go play soccer in Tomaszów. I don't play soccer so it will be interesting for me. Let's hope I do not embarrass myself.



  1. we had jase and kam's party this weekend- we missed you! But you were there in the video :) Just wanted you to know I appreciate you sharing your heart. You are in our prayers! Katie
