Wednesday, July 8, 2009

I need to scream...

So this week has not been as great as the last one. Though the group is a totally different aspect compared to last week. My group, all together, would be great if I didn't have 2 kids in it. Right now I have 2 brothers who are driving me up the wall. They are loud and have no clue as to how to listen to a simple request such as be quiet. Everything is taken as a joke and makes it really hard to keep them under control.

I think tonight has been the catalyst of it. I came back to my room with a toilet that wouldn't flush with a surprise in it, a sink that was filled with water and was not draining, a kid who proceeded to use the toilet again, a kid who is kind of sick and they were trying to kill mosquitoes on the ceiling. Needless to say it was very frustrating.

But the Lord is good. I have so much to be thankful for right now. Thankful that God has chosen to put me here in this situation at this moment. Thankful that I am able to serve a loving God with a rejoicing heart. Thankful to be blessed with friends to surround me and help me whether it be language problems or just someone to talk to.

I am so amazed at the friends that I have made while here in Poland. It is one of those amazing things that continues to baffle me. The more and more I think and pray about it, the more I seem to find myself wanting to come back for a longer period of time. Even amongst all these times of frustrations and weird encounters, I love the land, the people and the work that is being done for God.

There are some amazing things that are continually happening. The dependence on God has been amazing and very surreal to me. Sometimes I thought that I depended on God but now I have seen it in a whole other level. Maybe there are different levels of dependency. But it is also amazing to see how God provides.

I am helping with the drama team and on Friday night we perform our play. I get to play an out of place American Broadcaster. I think it will be extremely fun and cannot wait to see how it goes. Pray that this week will be a blessing for the kids and that we can make an impact on some of them. Also pray for our friends here who are staying for 2 to 4 camps that they are energized and not let down by stresses that can occur from being a counselor. Love you guys!


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