Monday, May 4, 2009

Getcha Popcorn Ready...A Little Surprise For You

Cześć. Jak się masz?

This is Dane. I'm practicing Polish and back to blogging. I've been keeping my personal site up to date, but have been slacking over here. In case you're interested, you can check that out at I should be uploading pictures there once we get this ball rolling. You know what I mean?

My last day of work was yesterday. What a relief? I'm finally able to truly focus on preparing for Poland. I guess I can look back and say that I've been completely blessed with this job the past 3 years. Serving coffee has paid the bills, developed relationships and guided me to where I am now. Even through the difficult times there, I can still be joyful because of the meaningful moments.

Yesterday at my Louisville church, our speaker shared a much needed message about engaging God's presence. He shared Paul's message given in the midst of Mars Hill (the Areopagus), addressing the Athenians. Paul is describing the Unknown God the people of Greece worship (the one who does all that their other gods can't do). He says:

"The God who made the world and everything in it, being Lord of heaven and earth, does not live in temples made by man, nor is He served by human hands, as though He needed anything, since He himself gives to all mankind life and breath and everything. And He made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place, that they should SEEK God, in the hope that they might feel their way toward him and FIND him. YET HE IS ACTUALLY NOT FAR FROM EACH ONE OF US..."
So, this God, who did all, controls all and whom even the Greek scholars recognized as more powerful than all their Gods combined is APPROACHABLE. I think we so often forget that. We ignore the fact that He is in control and if we honestly seek his presence we will find him there, and we will find Him closer than we expected. He will reveal himself in the right time (as he did with Moses), but we shall see his glory to the extent our HUMAN capacity will allow.

Though that is quite off the topic of Poland, it is a huge struggle for me (and most of the world) to grasp, so I thought I would share. He is approachable. Practice that this week, and see what you discover.

In terms of Poland, preparations are going steady. I've got a LONG list of things to take care of, but I think by next week I should be there. It's such an enjoyable process for someone as analytical as me. Some of you may think I am crazy, but to organize things, make lists and start checking things off brings so much refreshment to my life. Alright, stop laughing.

Funds are close. I've been blessed to the extreme, but am praying God has one last push for me. I know He is capable, and I know doors will open if they need to.

Please keep Erich and I in your prayers these next two weeks. This is going to be quite a transition, and to be honest, I think we're both already a little sick of each other (just kidding, it's been great so far). We've got a few more preparations to make and may be needing as much relief as possible.

As always, please keep praying for ProEm. This is an outstanding ministry and they are truly blessing the kingdom. Keep the leaders and the people they encounter close to your hearts, that doors open and new life is found.

We appreciate all that you "blog-readers" are doing to support this trip. As a result, we have a little surprise in store for each of you. Starting on the next blog, we give our first hint toward the surprise. All I have to say now is that it is MONUMENTAL! LOFTY! AWE-INSPIRING! Just plain FANTASTIC!

Stay updated. Keep in-touch. Do Widzenia!

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