Sunday, May 24, 2009

Mówię trochę po Polski

Dzień Dobry! Erich przy pśmie! It is so good to get on here and blog since I have gotten to Poland. A lot has gone on since we have arrived. In Dane's last post he mentioned that a wedding was going to take place on Saturday. When the morning came and it was looking overcast. There was constant back and forth from the bride as to whether to have the wedding outside or inside. Obviously they would want it outside but with the weather being up in the air, it was a back and forth decision. Dane and I, however, had the privilege to go and kayak with the youth from Tomy church. We started in Tomaśzow and kayaked for 4 hours in the warm/cool slightly drizzled air to Zakościele. There was a small crack in our kayak and it leaked some water in. We had our stuff in a garbage bag, but that did not help when there was a small hole in it as well. My camera got a little wet, and now it is not working. I am going to try and set it out in the sun to see if it will help any, but for right now it is not looking good.

Today (Sunday) was an amazing day. We went to Tomy church and got to worship. After that we then went to spend the day with John and Zaba. They had invited us over for lunch. The food was amazing and the hospitality of them was so wonderful. We then got to sit around with their guests David and Edyta along with their children David, Tomek and Zosia. After eating, drinking coffee and playing some crazy English/Polish Uno, we then went to Sława and got to see an old bunker that was built during the war. We then went to have some amazing ice cream and then headed back to camp.

There are a few things that have just amazed me this trip so far. The way that God is moving in this place is one of them and the friendliness and hospitality is another. We are going to try to get some money exchanged next week and take some bikes to a supermarket to get some fresh fruit and other things. Camps will be starting up in a few weeks, which it is great to have this down time to really get prepared for the insane times as well as to build up a great relationship with the staff.

Other than that nothing is new. Our sleep schedules have been adjusted and the weather is great! What more can you ask for than that?!?!? We hope that everything is going well in the States. Until then...

1 comment:

  1. Well we're glad you care about how things are in We are praying for you daily and are so glad to hear you are doing well.
