Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Beat that, Santa!

As the preparations for Poland continue to take way, there are many things that continue to intrigue me as well as baffle me. Over the past few weeks I have been constantly surrounded by the concept of suffering and enduring (Philippians). Along with this concept of suffering and enduring comes the act of stretching and growing yourself. As I have been reading and hearing sermons about these topics I often find myself wondering if Poland is one of the ways that God is trying to stretch me. Is He trying to show me suffering and enduring? Will He open my eyes to something new? One thing for sure is that He has taught me complete trust and faith in Him. The ease of which everything has happened just continues to show me how much in control God really is, and how much I am NOT. I see the foolish things that I do in attempts to make sense of my life or to make my life work the way I want it to, and then I look at how God can take my foolish ideas and attempts and turn them in a complete 180 degree turn. Very baffling at how it happens!

It's hard to believe that in 3 weeks, ONLY 3 WEEKS, Dane and I will be in Poland. How crazy is that? So many things to do in such a little time. I keep thinking about the list that is constantly going on through my's almost like Santa Clause's list of all the children wants. Think of how many children are on the earth, and how many of those children have wish lists of multiple toys and gadgets. That is how long my list is...if not bigger. I've got you beat Santa! Ok so maybe that is an exaggeration but it feels like my list is HUGE!

As I end this, I have one prayer request: Pray for the spiritual and mental preparation for the next 3 months. There is so much that is going to be done and we definitely do not want to be caught off guard.

Erich is out...

1 comment:

  1. All I ask is you put a comma in between the words "that" and "Santa". Currently, it sounds like you are being abusive to a beloved holiday figure. Or you are asking us to do so.

    Yay Poland! I'm praying for you guys! I can't wait for you both to go and experience everything He has in store for you!!!! SOO excited.

