Monday, May 25, 2009

Happy Memorial Day

Happy Monday and Happy Memorial Day in the states! I wish you could have seen the fog over here this morning. I looked out the window and couldn't see ANYTHING. It was pretty neat to watch.

Unlike yesterday, today was a very ordinary day. We got out of bed and after a quick breakfast went immediately to working. Erich helped move some tables and clean (after the wedding and women's conference this weekend), while Paweł and I re-painted basketball goals. He's been a great guy for use to get to know, and has been very helpful with our transition.

After work was finished, Erich and I sat down to study some more Polish. Right now we're working on verb conjugation and basic words that deal with food and drink. A sentence I taught myself today was, "Lubię grać soccer. (I like to play soccer)" It's extremely tough to learn without a class or anything, but it's a fun process.

We also watched the second part of The Truth Project tonight. Very interesting. Tonight's lesson talked about Philosophy and Ethics. The part the really caught my attention was when it was stated that, "The Ten Commandments (and the rules of the Bible) were not created because God flipped a coin that landed on 'lying is bad' rather than 'lying is virtuous'. Lying is considered bad because is counter to God's nature. I had never thought about it in that way, and it pointed out attributes of God I had never realized. It was also neat to be reminded the importance of renewing out mind through study and knowledge daily (Romans 12:2). We as a church get so wrapped up in feeling God, that we forget the importance of learning what he has said through our study of his living word.

Anyway, I'm off to bed. Dobranocs!


By the way tomorrow is Mother's Day here in Poland. Don't forget to get you Mom a special gift!

1 comment:

  1. Sunday was women's ministry appreciation day at our church here. Lots of love to mothers from Kenya too! Glad you got to experience some rest, from what I hear it seems like you will need it there for the weeks ahead.

