Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The end of our adventure...or is it?

Hey guys! Well needless to say we are back! We flew in on Friday and went through some debriefing on Saturday. Sunday we went to Santa Claus Indiana to Holiday World Splashin' Safari to relax and enjoy one more day as an entire group. Monday afternoon we entered back into the world no longer as Mi2 interns but as Mi2 alumni.

We want to thank you for all the prayers and support that you provided over the 3 months and more and cannot think of what it would have been like if we had not had the prayers. Hopefully we can meet up and tell you our stories face to face. Love you guys!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Realna Akcja in Sandomierz

Well we are back from Sandomierz. All last week Dane and I participated in the event Realna Akcja. The whole premise of this week was to go throughout the city doing different types of service projects, hoping to build hope for the city. Needless to say that we were there to serve God and serve the people.

It is really hard for me to summarize the week based on the many things that happened. The concept that we were serving a people that would in no way be able to pay us back, made the week feel even more special. It is different when you do something without being paid back.

I had the blessing and honor to serve all week this family. They lived in what you would maybe call an apartment, but it really wasn't even that. Two rooms, one as a kitchen and the other a bedroom/living room/tv room. There was no bathroom in the house, the outside had makeshift shack rooms and the inside was in disarray. We spent 2 days scraping paint off the walls and tearing up the house to make it better. I had a constant struggle each day trying to figure out why we are putting so much effort into these people's home. Would they even take care of it once we are finished. There was a man and woman living there, both handicapped. And then there was a 7 year old girl. 3 people in this ruined place. And I didn't know if they would keep it up.

But as I continued through the week I kept thinking that somehow our actions may not impact these adults but maybe a few years later it would effect Sandra, their daughter. There is no way of really knowing, but I think that is the basic concept of doing work with no expectation of being paid back. My prayers go to the family in hopes that the new things in their house will be kept clean and that they remember that 3 different nationalities came for a week to help them out, only in the name of Jesus.

We are on our last week of Poland. Many mixed emotions right now, but once we are gone I know I will be longing to come back soon. For some of you followers, we will see you in a week or so. Until then, thank you for all your prayers and support. We really appreciate it.

Love all of you.